Friday, March 25, 2011


The strangest topic i got to write and that is SUNEET SARDANA... Oh GOD! what you did to us??? well a small introduction will be that he is my junior. Yeah! a student of MA 1st year. But if you ask him, his answer will be this-
photo journalist 
pura sach

wah ji wah! feels good. He is from elnabaad. he always keeps a big fat tummy and a big bag with him. I dont know that what is inside his tummy. Ya But i do have small knowledge about his bag. he has laptop,atm cards almost of every bank and those are without cash, rail-bus passes, 2 tiffin (some time 1 and half) etc. Suneet has a great knowledge. He always tries to share it with others. he wants to help others in any manner and he does so. 
But as everybody knows excess of everything is bad. Not sometimes almost everytime he behaves so weird.
he forces you to listen to him either you want to or not. Even he does not care.
this coin also  has a third side. many times he solved my problem. He is always ready to help you. He experiments new thing with his cell and laptop.
I think this is enough for this time.....
all the best SUNEET

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